Old Lovers

I wasn’t going to write about Valentine’s Day today. My husband and I don’t ‘do’ Valentine’s Day. I find the line-ups of men buying cards and flowers at the last minute depressing. Love should be expressed every day, with an embrace, a kind word, or a loving smile…

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Four Hugs A Day

Thursday was National Hug Day, a day to hug family, friends, or strangers – but for most of us, it was not a hugging day. Some of us are blessed to have at least one person in our lives to hug, but too many have no one to hug right now.

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Our Potential for Growth

My mind was swirling with thoughts and ideas this morning but I didn’t think I had it in me to sit down and write a blog post. I find this a bit puzzling because I have spent the week planning, researching, and creating. I’ve been organizing my writing workshops for the year, working on a free give-away for my blog subscribers…

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Present in the Moment

Do you sometimes let go of your noisy mind and sit in stillness? Or maybe, during a simple chore like ironing, you allow your head to empty of all thoughts and you just focus on the task at hand. Would you be surprised to know that at that moment you were practicing mindfulness?

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Hardwired for Joy

Earlier this week I was on the phone with a friend, feeling a deep sadness as she shared some of the challenges she has been facing this last month. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a slight movement in the backyard…

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