Do you feel old for your age? Young for your age? Just right?
Read More“My mother chewed parsley after meals. She loved to bathe in water scented with orange blossoms…”
Read MoreFriday morning. It is a glorious morning filled with potential, yet I have been sitting here for the last two hours, aimlessly browsing the internet and playing a few games of addiction solitaire…
Read MoreI’m eighty now and I live alone, a situation so common that you might even say loneliness goes hand in hand with being old, that the old are experts in loneliness.”…
Read MoreThe analogy of a puzzle has been a constant in my life. Whenever I did not understand something or got mired down in research without reaching a conclusion, I would ask myself, what is that missing puzzle piece…
Read MoreYou may think I am too focused on growing old as you read this. But no, it is only that I am keenly aware this week that I am paddling north…
Read MoreWhen we were young, we needed external validation. And hopefully, we got it. Along life’s journey, we turn to self-validation. But I think my ability to practice self-validation may have been stunted…
Read MoreDespair compresses you into a small space, and a depression is literally a hollow in the ground. To dig deeper into the self, to go underground, is sometimes necessary…
Read MoreOlder women are forging the kind of partnerships they want because society now allows different types of relationships…
Read MoreHe sleeps up next to me like he always does. Says it soothes his soul. But it’s my restlessness that gets calmed with his big old body next to mine.
Read MoreManaging my mental health is very nearly a full-time job. I don’t take it lightly, because the stakes are high. Like many of us, I have a mind that is a very dangerous neighbourhood…
Read More“It’s taken me nearly 60 years to learn how to hold steady when the world around me seems to be becoming more crazy. And, in the end, it’s a simple thing, really…”
Read MoreIn Senegal, when a woman dies, they say her library has burned down. The volumes of stories, experiences, and memories stored in the mind and soul disappear….
Read MoreI have not yet read A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman. The main character, Ove, is described as the bitter neighbour from hell…
Read MoreI have a joke with my sister, who I love very much…how will we recognize each other in an abstract life when we’ve lost our physical form?
Read MoreI always feel uncomfortable when people speak about ordinary mortals because I’ve never met an ordinary man, woman or child…
Read MoreAgeism is a bigger problem for women than aging. Our bodies and our sexuality are devalued…
Read MoreWinds accompanies me as I row north. Heavy gales occasionally make me fearful on this journey. Luckily, I never have to contend with much more than a gentle breeze…
Read MoreMy island bedroom has a door that opens directly onto our deck. I sleep with the door wide open almost every night. The other evening my daughter crawled in beside me. Listen, I said to her…
Read MoreYour growth is not about some destination far in the future; it’s about the little day to day changes that make you feel a little more joy, the ones that make you feel a little bit lighter, a little bit more of you.
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