I often mention this journey we are on, paddling north - hitting rough waters, checking out tributaries, or moving forward with determined strokes. I had never given any thought to paddling in the dark…
Read MoreI am standing on a major threshold, unable to step over, held captive by fear, hope, opportunities, and excitement. This is the next stage of my life, the last stage of life. I may have another 30 years ahead of me - a lifetime!…
Read MoreDo you still enjoy the same pastimes as those that filled you with joy when you were younger? I do. Now that I have the time
Read MoreA tight community of family and friends was there to support me after my mother died. They listened and held space for me in my grief. I also received well-meaning comments from my broader circle, but sometimes these words fell flat on my sorrow.
Read MoreI can be standing in the shower, sitting at my desk, staring at my garden, or lying awake in bed when my mind wanders…
Read MoreThe third drawer of my antique dresser houses my unfinished projects; some have lain tucked away for over twenty-five years…
Read MoreThese days, I experience moments of joy daily, even when I am lost in grief or despair. Some of you keep gratitude journals; I have often think about keeping a joy journal…
Read MoreWhat comes to mind when you think of regrets, remorse, or guilt you are still carrying? What are you doing to ensure that you don’t become a woman who has regrets?
Read MoreThrow an emergency my way, and I can assure you that you can count on me to remain calm and logical. However, a series of heart-dropping events?…
Read MoreMy oldest daughter and her family are moving to Vancouver Island this week. My 4-month old granddaughter will only be a Zoom visit away. But to actually snuggle her…
Read MoreA friend asked me last week if people are treating me differently now that I am older. Yes, I responded, sometimes I feel like I am fading…
Read MoreOn Tuesday night, I stood on our island deck in complete darkness. I knew there was a sliver of moon behind the trees, and the sky was full of shimmering stars, yet I could not even make out the shape of the pond beyond the field…
Read MoreI thought I'd skim through my copy of Wind of the Willows. I couldn't find it. I did, however, find a used copy online. There was only one little problem. It was $11,000!
Read MoreLast week I shared my 100th blog with you! How do I celebrate this accomplishment? Well, I thought I would share 100 random things with you. Quotes, lessons…
Read MoreWe have not been to our island home for several months. Hesitantly, we open the front door. We are both feeling a bit of anxiety. Has a pipe burst during the cold spell? Has someone broken in through the sliding door?…
Read MoreAncestral math tells us that in order for you to be born today from 12 previous generations, you needed almost 4100 ancestors over the past 400 years to come before you. Consider the span of history of your people for a moment...
Read MoreI was rowing along, dipping my paddle into calm waters, when I encountered a strong undercurrent and decided to pull my canoe up on the riverbank…
Read MoreThe photo has haunted me since I saw it on Monday. A photograph of the raw, brutal glare…
Read MoreMy daughter had a baby seven weeks ago. She says she can feel her organs shifting back into place. I look at her with disbelief. How do you know that I ask her?…
Read MoreI look at time as no more than an idea, and I consider eternity as another possibility…
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