Lines From a Poem

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
— Mary Oliver
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The great poet, Mary Oliver, died in 2019. Her words echo in my head as I walk through the woods or sit by the ocean. Lines from her poems and essays can be found scattered around my home – on my bulletin board, my computer, and my nightstand.

I have read many novels that have rocked my world. But often, it is a single line in a book or a poem that moves me. I savour these words and collect them, even if I am unsure why they resonate. I put these quotes aside for later reflection and eventually I find the truth in the words.

I also love quotes. I am awed at how much can be expressed through a few simple words strung together. I have always collected quotes, not just from books and poems but also from social media feeds and movies and television. Quotes are like life lessons for me. They acknowledge my experiences, give me clarity and provide direction. They open doors of wonder and curiosity. They challenge me and make me ask questions.

I find it serendipitous that often a quote shows up at exactly the right moment. Okay, sometimes that’s because they show up as Facebook memories on the same day every year that I am going through some crisis or ritual! You know, the quote that re-surfaces every Christmas when I feel overwhelmed and tells me “it’s okay to take a break”. Or on those lazy, warm summer days when affirming that “at the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy, and your eyes sparkling” (Shanti). But sometimes the words feel like fate tugging at my heartstrings, like on the day when I need to hear that “nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know” (Pema Chodron).

Many of the quotes I have collected resonate with me almost every day. No wonder, they have been gleaned from websites and blogs that I visit on a regular basis, speaking to my interests and passions! Some of my personal favourites? Brain Pickings, where Maria Popova, who must be one of the most brilliant people alive, draws from essays and books to write eclectic articles about philosophy, meaning, art, children’s books and the lives of amazing people – to name a few! Another favourite is On Being, “pursuing deep thinking and moral imagination, social courage and joy, to renew inner life, outer life and life together”. And then there are the quotes and lines of poetry that hit my social media channels from Parker J. Palmer, Literary Hub, Center for Courage and Renewal – and my dear friend Sharon, a prolific poster of relevant quotes.

Let me share with you some that speak to the themes I want to explore in this blog. Quotes that open doors to storytelling, provide writing prompts and encourage dialogue.


The circles of women around us weave invisible nets of love that carry us when we’re weak and sing with us when we’re strong.” - SARK

For many years, from my childhood until well into adulthood, I never felt I belonged to anything, let alone a circle of women. I felt different, unaccepted and alone. It felt like standing on a balcony looking down at a group of people trying to figure out where I might fit. A few years ago I read the book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain and a light bulb went off. While the need to belong still runs deeply through me, I am now comfortable standing alone and I am also discovering where I can find my people.

Aging into Wisdom

“Now I become myself. It’s taken time, many years and places.” – May Sarton

The journey to turning 60 has not always been easy for me but as I become myself I do so with confidence, happiness and wisdom.

Wonder and Curiosity

“If I had influence with the good fairy…I should ask that her gift to each child in the world be a sense of wonder so indestructible that it would last throughout life.” – Rachel Carson

My husband and I read Rachel Carson’s book, The Sense of Wonder to our young daughters, usually during our summer, ocean-side holidays on Saturna Island.  I lost my sense of wonder for many years but it has finally re-appeared. Our lives, our relationships and our world are amazing! As we get older it is so important to hold on to this sense of wonder. Always ask questions. Always listen with an open mind. Always be curious.

Think with your heart, not with your head

“The longest journey you will make in your life is the one from your head to your heart.” – Sioux legend

I have almost always thought with my head. I find it very difficult to think with my heart but I am trying because when I do, my life is so much richer.


I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in the darkness the astonishing light of your own being.” – Hafiz of Persia

My light is shining brighter now than it ever did. We can never spend enough time on mindfulness practice, self-compassion and taking care of ourselves. This is a life-long practice for me.


“There is no greater threat to the critics, cynics and fearmongers than a woman who is willing to fall because she learned how to rise.” – Brene Brown

The queen of courage and vulnerability, Brene Brown, provides us with a richness of quotes that speak to the life I want to live and the life I want to write about.

These quotes will hopefully give you a taste of themes you can expect to find on this blog. Do they resonate with you? What quotes speak to your heart on this journey?