wisdom belonging curiosity
Women rowing north…exploring our collective journey as older women.
Women rowing north…exploring our collective journey as older women.
Silky tendrils would slink in and twist around my thoughts and memories, wrapping them in darkness…
Two summers ago, the frog chorus by our pond helped me understand that my personal ecosystem might not be doing so well…
In my mid-40s, a therapist friend noted my bookshelf lined with self-help books. Neatly organized, based on subject…
We tell ourselves so many small stories about who we and others are. So many tiny tales of what the world could be…
How could the intensity of my grief for my dog outweigh that for my mother?…
Welcome! I appreciate you taking the time to see if this blog is the right fit for you! I have launched this blog to explore our collective journey as women ‘of a certain age’…
I am an information junkie and I would love to share with you some of the many books, blogs and resources that have become part of my journey in exploring ageless possibilities…
How can I explain this newfound love? She has opened a part of my heart I did not know existed…